Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Letter From Swinburne

I have just received letter from swinburne, it's about my Foundation Graduation. Haihzz, I suppose to receive this letter last year, but it has been delay for about 1 year just because that i fail my LAN subject and they don't allowed me to go for my foundation graduation ceremony and proceed to degree. Wasted my time for a year!!!

So, i finally receive it this year~~ But it's just a foundation graduation, nothing special also, feel like nothing happen like that~~ Look at the title!!! Haihzz, I would be happy if it's degree graduation. But I still have to study for about 3 years, the journey is still long to go~~~

Date: 14 August 2007
Time: 10.00a.m.
Venue: Dewan Santapan, Dewan Undangan Negeri, Petra Jaya, Kuching

1. Attend a graduation rehearsal on 12 August 2007 @ 2.00p.m.
2. Arrive by 8.00a.m. at the actual day for registration and gowning.

The invitation cards is attached inside the letter. My parents sure won't go to this graduation because they did'nt even go to the ceremony where I received my King Scout award from the TYT (Tuan Yang Terutama). Hahaha, who want to replace my parents to go???

Besides that, there's also a graduation guide. OMG, so many things to read, really mahuan lah~~ 3 pages guide ah!! Hahaha, I'll just put at a side first, read it the day before the ceremony.

Btw, the ceremony starts at 10.00a.m. but we have to arrive by 8.00a.m. I can't imagine that those parents who need to fetch their son/daughter go. They have to think what they have to do instead of waiting about 2 hours at there till the ceremony start. Last, I still have to think who I'm going to invite to this ceremony~~