Wednesday, May 28, 2008
My final exam starts at 10th of June, which mean there is just about 1 week time for me to do my revision. This semester, I got 4 papers for my final exam which is Marketing Planning, Marketing Research, Multimedia Application and The Internet & WWW 2. For now, I haven't started my revision yet because I still have to deal with the second assignment of The Internet & WWW 2 which due on next week. So, three days holiday of Gawai is for me to complete this assignment. After that, it's time for me to really start my revision.
I only can finish my assignment during Gawai because I work as promoter for Sony Roadshow which start from tommorow 29th May until 1st June at The Spring shopping mall. Many people might think that I was crazy because now is the time to start revision for final exam but I still go to work at The Spring. For me, I wouldn't think about the final exam first in these few days, after the Sony Roadshow then I will start burning midnight oil so that I can pass my final exam.
Hahaha, this is the real @lex lim. Always doing last minutes works, because I already get use to it since I was in secondary school. I really hope that I can change this attitude, but not for this semester, may be start from next semester. =p
Below is the photo of Fast Food for Beijing Olympic 2008. And all these food really can attract foreigners from other countries. Guess what so special about all these foods~~
If you got the chance to taste these kind of food, do you dare to try it?? For me, I think the corn with ginger sauce would be my best choice.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
What will you do when you feel bored?? For me, may be i will just online, blogging, hanging out with friends, eat and sleep. But for graphic designer, they can use their knowledge and skills when they're bored. Below is some photo that edited by them.
*It is very obvious that I'm poison!!
So, now we know what will happen when graphic designer get bored. But with their skills and knowledge, we can also look a their "project" when we're bored. I'm taking graphic design course also, may be I will become one of them when I'm bored after I master all my design skills and knowledge.
Monday, May 12, 2008
I received this article in my hotmail. This article is full of Jay Chow's Song, can you find how many Jay Chow's songs that used in this article??
如果爱在西元前,我愿意回到过去,带着你的黑色毛衣,一路向北飘移;就算没有轨迹,我也不会离开放弃,因为我相信你听得 到,我们的暗号;反方向的钟敲响回忆,你常说你是完美主义,要一直和娘子简单爱下去;那个晴天,园游会里,你为了七里香四处寻觅,我举着麦芽糖乱发脾气; 你用黑色幽默哄我开心,却开不了口讲甜言蜜语,我则笑你像蜗牛傻得可以;枫在一旁和声细语,我在这里安静聆听,故乡梯田渐渐远离,以父之名讲述过去;上海 1943,外婆尚且年轻,她的睫毛浓密,如今发如雪矣,时光逆鳞回去,东风破曲依稀;我恋珊瑚海的美丽,你爱伊斯坦堡神秘,你说总有一天火车叨位去,印第 安老斑鸠盘旋天际,而威廉古堡正等待着你我的足迹;我们还要一起去探寻半岛铁盒的神奇,听说米兰的小铁匠曾与之不离不弃;还记得我们一起在爷爷泡的茶里, 品味永不搁浅的爱情,听他讲述乱舞春秋般的离奇;你常找借口离我而去,和三年二班的球友斗牛较技;那时的夜晚总是星晴,我的地盘屋顶栖息,我用浪漫手机传 递着爱你的讯息,你用同一种调调弹奏着肖邦的夜曲,可断了的弦早已没有力气,只好像懦夫一样被你调戏;你崇拜霍元甲的一身正气,挥起双刀所向披靡,耍起双 节棍无与伦比,可你打的龙拳却像忍者蹿来跳去。直到有一天蓝色风暴来袭,四面楚歌响起,我被龙卷风卷入了爱情悬崖无法逃离,将军如困兽之斗拼命杀敌,为他 的可爱女人和半兽人展开最后的战役,看着你止战之殇般死去,那最后一声的对不起,宣告我世界末日的降临她就像可爱女人一样的被半兽人抓进了威廉 古堡,被抓走的路上她像是忍者般的留下了只有我才看的懂得暗号,在这最后的战役里我以龙卷风的速度施展着龙拳,耍着双节棍安 静的将她救了出来,他问我火车刁位去? 他说:我要带你去沙漠看印地安老斑鸠, 去伊斯坦堡看星晴, 喝爷爷泡的茶,但...我...我 却不懂她的黑色幽默. 她...她居然像是反方向的钟一样的说要跟我《**》,为了挽回她的心我只好请米兰的小铁匠帮我做一个半岛铁盒. 我有点 开不了的跟她说:对不起.. 虽然我是完美主义者, 但..我也愿意简单爱而且我了你我也已经放弃斗牛了...我希望能够跟你像上海 1943的爱情故事一样的 回到过去让我们可以爱在公元前...她...感动了...最后...我抱着我的娘子, 回到了家公元1104, 我在这里以父之名,为我的娘 子弹上一曲东风破。就算有断了的弦,我依然相信你听得到,因为它和我的心跳是同一种调调,这是我们的暗号。假如可以用反方向的 钟回到过去,我不会让宿命按着轨迹发生,我不会像懦夫一样开不了口,我不会让锁妖塔成为我们最后的战役……我要带你一起离开, 我要让你比从前快乐,我要实现我们完美主义的誓言,我要带你回林家堡,说一声爸我回来了;我会陪你玩双截棍或是双刀,也会伴成半兽人或是忍者逗你开心,就算你生气使出龙拳,我也要微笑的接下……呵呵,这样的安静让我有些语无伦次,我只想带着我们的简单爱,来到蜀山上的爱情悬崖,对过去说一声对不起,等待你相信的轮回。公元2004 就算到了世界末日,我依然感谢上苍让我在三年二班遇见这个 酷爱斗牛的可爱女人我记得你说你喜欢威廉古堡里的印地安的老斑鸠,还有伊斯坦堡梯田上的蜗牛;你说你想回到上海 1943喝一口爷爷泡的茶,再看看什么叫做火车叨位去,最后随着龙卷风去看星晴……但你有时也常翻脸不理会我,要我发誓没有偷看她的 睫毛。明知道这是你独有的黑色幽默,我也会甘心当一个米兰的小铁匠,为你打制你最爱的半岛铁盒,换回你的笑……在那个晴天第一次见到 你,我就觉得,我们早就爱在西元前了。那时忘了告诉你,其实,我也相信轮回!!
Monday, May 05, 2008
Last Saturday Night, I was invited by Gabby to her 21st birthday party at "Tian Shun Restaurant" (BDC Seafood Restaurant). Many of her relatives and friends were there for her birthday.
And here's some photos her birthday party!!! And you can see that so many people was there, especially her relatives.
Gabby's Family
*The three sister!!!
Gabby's Relatives
Gabby's Friends
*The birthday day girl is singing.
*'25 minutes' from Gabby's dad.
*Her cousin is singing too, their voice so cute~
*And this is vincent, he is the one who sing the most song during that night.
*Haha, can you discover me singing at the back there??
*Yeah, say cheese!!!
*All of us are from Swinburne!!!
*The ladies!!!
Gabby's Relatives
Gabby's Friends
Everyone was so enjoy during the night. Instead of having the buffet dinner, we still can sing or listen to other people sing. And we can see that the birthday girl very busy lor, keep on walk from this table to another table to talk to her relatives and friends. But bo pien lah, once a year nia, haha~~
*Singing birthday song, it's time to make a wish and cut cake. You can see the birthday girl too happy liaw, laugh until cant see her eyes.*The birthday day girl is singing.
*'25 minutes' from Gabby's dad.
*Her cousin is singing too, their voice so cute~
*And this is vincent, he is the one who sing the most song during that night.
*Haha, can you discover me singing at the back there??
*Yeah, say cheese!!!
*All of us are from Swinburne!!!
After the party at BDC Seafood Restaurant, we still got next stop. It's the true party time, to SOHO we go!!!
*The second round starts at SOHO!!!
*Saad and Indah
*Patrick and Jolyn
*Our boss from Indonesia, Eko Haryanto
*Saad and Indah
*Patrick and Jolyn
*Our boss from Indonesia, Eko Haryanto
*The ladies!!!
Actually, Gabby's birthday is on 5th of May, but she did it early on the weekend so that we can have so much fun throughout the whole night. And at here again, I want to wish her Happy Birthday again.
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